Saturday, September 1, 2012



 It's hard to believe it's September !
Labor Day marks the end of Summer at my house .
School is back in session.Soon the leaves will begin to turn.
In a blink of an eye the Holidays will be upon us!
Beadie peeps ,especially those who sell their creations,
are gearing up for the gift giving season.

Nature is already leaving little gifts for us to discover.
I am especially fond of seeds and nuts.Maybe because they remind me if beads! I have several huge old oaks trees on my property .
I love the acorns.My family is not truly thrilled about the loud bang of acorns hitting the roof late at night. However, I grew up with Autumn sound of horse chestnuts hitting our car roof ! To me it is a sound of the season! Acorns are great for all sorts of craft projects.
They make perfect fairy bowls and sturdy elf hats too! 
This time of year I am also gifted with bits of corncobs and nicely carved walnuts.The walnut tree and the corn field are across the street.
They don't belong to me . But, the squirrels  persist on dragging the bounty over to my yard . I sometimes worry the farmer will think we are poaching his corn !
Some of the very best gifts are the "carved " walnut shells .
When they are cut in half ,a sweet little heart shape is revealed.
Some are carved into wonderful vases. Are any squirrel artists on ETSY  I wonder ?
As the days get shorter, the leaves will begin to turn . As a child I collected as many different types of Autumn leaves as I could find.
My children and I always took "leaf walk' in the fall to search for especially nice leaves to decorate the house with . My grandchildren are continuing the tradition. They are planing a leaf walk for later this autumn .
My granddaughter is celebrating her birthday at a local state park this weekend.The children will be having a nature themed scavenger hunt . One of the items on their list will be "find something you think is a treasure"  I can't wait to see what they pick !
This week 
hunt for a gift nature has left for you 
be inspired 
Bead Happy
Squirrel Vase

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful card Debby, it still looks Christmas to me even though your main colour is pink.
    christmas gifts
